New Public Lighting System in Užice to save over 3 Million Euros in 15 Years
2 September 2024, Užice – The City of Užice has successfully completed a project for the reconstruction, optimization, and maintenance of public lighting through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. Prior to the project’s implementation, the city’s annual costs for public lighting, including electricity consumption and maintenance, amounted to approximately 900,000 euros.
With the project’s realization, the City of Užice will achieve an annual saving of at least 205,000 euros, resulting in a total savings of over 3 million euros over the next 15 years. The project will significantly reduce electricity consumption from 5.1 million kWh to a projected 950,000 kWh, representing a remarkable 82% savings. Additionally, it will contribute to reducing CO2 emissions by over 70,000 tons during the contract period. Read more…
Annual Budget Savings in Alibunar Exceed 1.1 Million Dinars – New Public Lighting Implemented through a Public-Private Partnership
16 July 2024, Alibunar – By introducing an advanced public lighting system through a public-private partnership, Alibunar joins many municipalities and cities in Serbia that use innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency and reduce costs. Following the implementation of the new LED lighting, annual savings are expected to exceed 1.1 million dinars, amounting to 17.1 million dinars over the 15-year duration of this project.
The Municipality of Alibunar has made a significant step towards modernization and improving the quality of life for its citizens. The project for the replacement, rationalization, and maintenance of part of the public lighting system brings substantial energy and financial savings to the municipality. Read more…
The Municipality of Žitište ensures energy-efficient public lighting through a PPP project – Annual budget savings of approximately 3 million dinars
02 July 2024, Žitište – The Municipality of Žitište is actively working on implementing energy efficiency measures aimed at reducing electricity consumption and promoting sustainable development. One of the significant projects in this Municipality is the modernization of public lighting through a public-private partnership. New energy-efficient LED luminaires have been installed, further reducing the Municipality’s budget expenses.
Under a 15-year contract, Smart Energy Investment fully financed the implementation of LED lighting. Before the project commenced, the annual expenses of the Municipality of Žitište for electricity and public lighting maintenance exceeded 38 million dinars. Read more…
The City of Valjevo has implemented new energy-efficient public lighting – Savings of 1.8 million euros over 15 years.
14 June 2024, Valjevo – The citizens of Valjevo have received new lighting, implemented through a public-private partnership contract for the replacement, rationalization, and maintenance of the public lighting system, thereby improving the quality of public lighting and significantly saving electricity.
The project was executed in collaboration with a consortium consisting of Smart Energy Investment Belgrade and PLC Interenergo doo Belgrade. The private partners fully financed the project, relieving the City of Valjevo from additional financial obligations. Read more…
Bačka Topola achieves budget savings with new LED lighting through a public-private partnership project
21 May 2024, Bačka Topola – The citizens of Bačka Topola Municipality have a new lighting system, implemented through a public-private partnership contract for the replacement, rationalization, and maintenance of part of the public lighting system by applying energy-saving measures.
The consortium of PLC Interenergo and Smart Energy Investment independently financed the project without incurring any debt for the Municipality. The project of public lighting reconstruction in Bačka Topola achieves approximately 70% savings in electricity consumption, with annual savings amounting to about 1.4 million kWh, or more than 20 million kWh over the 15-year contract period. Read more…
The 19th Salzburg Europe Summit is held, organized by the Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE) under the name “Europe: Departure to New Horizons!
On the panel “Western Balkans as a Region of the Future” were highlighted the possibilities of companies to invest in infrastructure areas, especially in the field of energy.
Among the panelists was the Minister of Economy and Labor of Austria, Martin Kocher, as well as the CEO Smart Energy Investment Kft, Obrad Tadic.
Tadić pointed out that investors in the European Union should motivate companies to invest in projects that improve the lives of citizens and lead to the transfer of knowledge and technologies. Read more…
In just three years our #letsSEIvtogether project (period July ’20-July ’23) made direct financial savings of €280,000 to the Municipality of Vrbas instead of the planned €58,430!
Visit the link:
In the Municipality of Bač, the implementation of the public lighting reconstruction project was completed!
Savings in electricity consumption will amount to about 11,333,000 kWh, which is for 15 years of the contract a reduction of about 73%, compared to the previous consumption.
The Municipality will achieve financial savings in the budget of at least ?936,000 EUR, while the project will reduce CO2 emissions by about 830 tons every year.
On the territory of the Municipality, 1,723 pieces of new Schréder LED luminaires were implemented, which contributes to energy efficient lighting along roads, streets and squares.
“Beside lighting up our streets, we are saving energy and improving the quality of life of our citizens,” said the president of the Municipality, Dr. Steva Panić.
Bač becomes a bright example for other local self-governments that want to reduce carbon footprint and improve the quality of life in their community.
The Municipality of Odžaci applied the Recommendation for reducing electric energy consumption of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, using LED lighting that reduces consumption.
The #PPP project is realized and independently financed by the Slovenian company Interenergo Group, a member of the Kelag Energie group and the Hungarian company Smart Energy Investment Kft, in accordance with the Law on Public-Private Partnership.
On the territory of the Municipality, 3,954 Schréder LED luminaires were implemented, and lighting was installed for the first time in certain locations.
This project will result in an annual reduction of CO2 by about 1,400 tons, which means that the Municipality is taking a step forward towards to achieving sustainable development goals (#SDGs) and implementing the “green agenda”.
The implementation of the new lighting will result in savings of at least 38,000 euros per year in the local self-government budget, without investment from the Municipality.
The public-private partnership project provided high-quality public lighting services in Odžaci for a period of 15 years.
We are pleased that UNECE has praised our #letsSEIvtogether project for reconstruction of public lighting system in the City of Zaječar and showed that this project is shining example of #PPPs, aligned with the sustainable development goals (#SDGs) and environmental protection.
Proud that this is the first time that a project from Serbia has been praised from United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
Official post from UNECE::
You can see the photos of public lighting in Zaječar before and after the reconstruction.

/SEI/v application permanently improves our service!
Our #letsSEIvtogether team has developed an application for the preparation, monitoring, implementation and quality assurance, which gives real-time data of the project, luminaires and dynamics of implementation in one place.
The application was implemented for the first time in the Municipality of Čoka, which is the fastest implemented project so far in Serbia.
See the application:
In just two months, the period of preparation and implementation of the public lighting reconstruction #letsSEIvtogether project in the Municipality of Čoka was completed, instead of the expected six months, according to the contract.
The implementation of innovative LED technology was realized by a group of bidders consisting of Interenergo Group and Smart Energy Investment Kft.
“The small Municipality of Čoka, with a more than modest budget, achieves great savings with this PPP through more efficient use of energy, reduction of CO2 emissions and reduction of operational costs of functioning and maintenance of the public lighting system,” said the President of the Čoka Municipality, Ms. Stana Đember.
A total of 1,698 new LED luminaires from Zumtobel Group Thorn Lighting have been installed and successfully integrated into the local infrastructure.
The new public lighting system will also contribute to significant financial savings, and according to expectations, more than 70,000 EUR will remain in the municipal budget.
We had the honor that Mr. Alfred Felder, CEO of the Zumtobel Group, one of the leaders in the field of public lighting and innovative lighting solutions, visited our company Smart Energy Investment Kft.
We presented to Mr. Felder the joint #letsSEIvtogether project in the Municipality of Čoka, where Thorn LED luminaires from the Zumtobel Group were implemented and the project was realized in just two months.
We are proud of our #partnership with the Zumtobel Group company and we consider this visit as an important step towards continuing our collaboration on projects that improve life in municipalities throughout Serbia.

We are very happy and honored that our dear friends prof. Franz Schausberger and Stefan Haböck from Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE) visited us!
Warm welcome to Dr Gerhard Schwischei, journalist at Salzburger Nachrichten!
In the Municipality of Bač, a PPP contract for the reconstruction of public lighting was concluded. Last year, this municipality received an award from the Council of Europe and the status of a partner for participation in the European Week of Local Democracy. One of the activities initiated on that occasion is the education of young population in the field of environmental protection.
The implementation of the project will be financed independently by the group of bidders Interenergo Group and Smart Energy Investment Kft.
By installing 1,723 new pieces of Schréder LED luminaires, a modern public lighting system is obtained.
In 15 years, as long as the contract period lasts, the Municipality will have a reduction in electricity consumption by about 73% compared to the previous one, while CO2 emissions will be decreased by 830 tons per year.
“Are we more satisfied with new energy transformed from some other energy or happier and more successful because we need less energy?” – Obrad Tadic, CEO of Smart Energy Investment Kft for CorD Magazine.
Read more in the text: