Project Valjevo
Smart City Study Plan – Modernization and Utilization of Valjevo City’s Public Lighting Infrastructure for the Implementation of SMART Solutions to Achieve Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emission Reduction
Smart Energy Investment Kft. received a grant of HUF 29,000,000 from the West Balkan Green Center Nonprofit Ltd. for the project identified by WBGC-2020/2-2020-00031.
As part of the project, PPT documentation and a feasibility study necessary for the transformation of Valjevo city’s public lighting system were prepared. During the project implementation, an exact analysis was conducted on the difference between the current and future annual electricity consumption of the city’s public lighting system. As a result of our planned modernization, an annual electricity saving of 4,072,365.78 kWh can be achieved, which will eliminate the need to burn 2,164 tons of lignite annually and result in an annual CO2 emission reduction of 2,158 tons. The potential use of renewable energy also significantly contributes to climate protection, as one of the results of our project determined that up to 15,319 kWh/year of energy can be generated by the solar panels we planned (taking into account the annual number of sunshine hours due to the geographical location of the municipality).
The investment planned in the completed PPT documentation was presented to the leadership of Valjevo city within the framework of a mini-conference.
Reconstruction, rationalization and maintenance of public lighting in inhabited places of Valjevo Municipality

- Guaranteed annual savings 4.655.732,40 kWh or 79,55% of
- Total energy savings project 69.835.986 kWh
- The project reduces CO2 emissions by 79,55% or a total of 76.749,75 tons of CO2
- Implemented a total of 11.531 luminaires and 228 control systems for remote control
- Technology –Philips LED luminaires
- Project’s Status – Project in the guarantee phase
- Currently – savings being achieved in the project:

- Preparation phase 100%
- Implementation phase 100%
- Guaranteeing phase 3,3%
Saving electricity