Project Vršac
Reconstruction, rationalization and maintenance of public lighting in inhabited places of Vršac Municipality

- Guaranteed annual savings 3.119.945,97 kWh or 70% of
- Total energy savings projects 37.439.351,64 kWh
- The project reduces CO2 emissions by 70% or a total of 41.145,85 tons of CO2
- Implemented a total of 5.609 luminaires and 165 control systems for remote control
- Technology -Schréder LED luminaires
- Project’s Status – Project in the guarantee phase
- Currently – savings being achieved in the project:

- Preparation phase 100%
- Implementation phase 100%
- Guaranteeing phase 34.42%
Saving electricity
Impact of the project on environmental protection :
70% reduction CO2 emission or a total 41.145,85 tons of CO2