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Total savings in kWh :

CO2 emission reduction


Overall savings in kWh on all projects :

Total installed 136.168 luminaires


savings compared to current consumption

Smart Energy Investment Kft (SEI) was established for the realization and implementation of ESCo projects on the model of Energy Performance Contract (EPC) and projects with “Smart” elements in public lighting. By providing this type of energy services, SEI established itself as a quality partner of local administration in overcoming the challenges that arise in the performance of public utilities – public lighting.

The project includes reconstruction, namely replacement of old and inefficient lighting with modern LED technology luminaries, system for switching on and off of public lighting system, guaranteeing quality and savings results and long-term maintenance of the public lighting system.

The project shall be implemented in three phases:

  1. The first phase – the preparation phase includes design, obtaining the necessary documentation, preparation for implementation. The duration of the preparation phase shall be between 1-2 months. At the preparation stage, there shall still be no charge for the project realization.
  2. The second phase – the implementation phase includes the procurement of equipment, reconstruction, assembly, commissioning. The duration of the implementation phase shall last for a maximum of six months. At the implementation phase, there shall still be no charge for the project implementation.
  3. The third phase – the guaranteeing phase includes a period after the release of the public lighting system into an operation, whereby the quality and savings shall be guaranteered wherefrom the payment is being collected. The duration of the guarantee phase shall last between 10-15 years. Beginning of the guarantee phase shall represent the commencement of the payment collection of a private partner for the realized project.

We are pleased that UNECE has praised our #letsSEIvtogether project for reconstruction of public lighting system in the City of Zaječar and showed that this project is shining example of #PPPs, aligned with the sustainable development goals (#SDGs) and environmental protection.

Proud that this is the first time that a project from Serbia has been praised from United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
Official post from UNECE:: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7089540272136572928/  .


You can see the photos of public lighting in Zaječar before and after the reconstruction.

“We are proud to become a member of the Institute of European regions (IRE)”